Friday, February 11, 2011

The Post-multicultural West

"Multiculturalism" as a normative philosophy seems to be on the way out in the West. Western Europe, which long espoused the idea as a kind of atonement for the sins (perceived and actual) of Colonialism. But lately, it seems that the idea is coming under increased criticism and may be drawing its final breaths as a basis for policy.

Multiculturalism has long been attacked by conservatives in the West, particularly in the US. The laundry list of complaints range from its being a cult of ignorance (see here) to being an insidious idea that is destroying the country(here). However, when heads-of-state in Europe started declaring Multiculturalism to be an abject failure, that got my attention.

First it was Germany's Angela Merkel (here), and then France's Sarkozy (here) and the UK's Cameron (here). It seems that these bastions of relativistic cultural laissez-faire are undergoing a fundamental change-of-heart. Even the Dutch are seriously questioning their world-famous tolerance, as made evident by the increased popularity of Wilder's party, the PPV (see earlier posting "Prescient Moments").

But what about the your average stalwart liberal pundits? What do they have to say? Surely they are defending this uber-enlightened idea. Well, it seems many of them are abandoning the masochism of the past, and are standing up for their own culture and displaying what can only be described as chauvinism (a behavior once monopolized by right-wing radio jerks).

Here's liberal gadfly, Bill Maher's take (click here). Here's Chris Hitchens destroying a classic masochistic, self-declared Marxist trying to blame Western Civilization for terrorism (click here). And finally, here is a British liberal named Pat Condell giving his two pence worth (click here).

Given what I see as a broad-based rejection of classic normative Multiculturalism with a capital "M", it is alarming to me that multiculturalism as a description is increasingly accurate in the very countries mentioned above. Immigrant populations have burdgeoned as indigenous European population contract dramatically, changing the culture and values of many European countries (here). This seems a sure formula for unrest.

Looking ahead, I think Western countries will be placing a much greater emphasis on integration rather than on the ever-elusive "mutual respect."