Sunday, August 23, 2009

Terrorist = Hero

Can you spot the terrorist in the crowd?

No? That's because he's not in the crowd. The terrorist is the reason the crowd showed up. He's the reason they're all so darned happy. This is a picture from the arrival of the Abdel Baset Al Megrahi, of Lockerbie infamy, in Tripoli after being released from a Scottish prison on humanitarian grounds (read here).

For a thoroughly disgusting take on the events, read this article from an English Language Lybian newpaper (here). Summary: "Thanks for giving him back after he killed 270 of your innocent citizens, but couldn't you have taken better care of him?"

Releasing him was a mistake. I hope we learned our lesson.


  1. The first thing that comes to mind after having this picture put into context is that those welcoming the bomber back as a hero do not have a modern sense of morality.

  2. Yeah. I heard about this on the radio and was baffled. Apparently there was also some possibility of him not actually being guilty?

    I don't know. I really hope that he was innocent, and that the real killer is brought to justice. Maybe O.J. can help.
