Friday, October 30, 2009

Armchair Attorney

If anyone has been reading the news this week, they probably recognize the photo above. It is associated with a story coming out of Chicago. Here's the summary (or read the story here):

Some University students wanted to go to a club. 200 White students were admitted, and 6 Black students were denied entry, allegedly based on their "baggy pants." One of the black student swaps pants with a white student to see what would happen. The white student gets into the bar without delay, and someone takes a picture of him. Voila! All the makings of an inflammatory race story.

So, let's examine 'Exhibit A.'

This picture shows two people wearing the same exact pair of pants. The gentleman on the right was not allowed into the club, supposedly based on the pants, but later that night the gentleman on the left was admitted, wearing the same pair of pants. So, if it wasn't really about the pants, what other variable is at play? Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, it is clearly a matter of race. I rest my case.

But wait a second. Let's take a second look at that photo, paying attention to the person circled in yellow. I guess someone got past the racist goons at the front door. Or is there something else going on here? To be honest, I don't know. If I were on the jury, before passing judgment there are a couple of things I would want to know, such as:

  • How was the gentleman on the right wearing his pants when he was denied entry? Was he "sagging?" This may be a small point, but it is certainly germane.
  • In the initial group of students, were any White student denied entry? Were any Black students admitted?
  • Did the same club employee both deny entry of the Black student, and allow entry to the white student?

As of now, it seems this story will just fizzle out. The students agreed not to sue if the managers of the club underwent some "managerial diversity training." No marches organized by the oh-so-relevant Reverends Jackson and Sharpton. Pity.

I just thought it was great how one photograph can both support and undermine an argument.


  1. Maybe it's just the lighting, but it doesn't even look like the same pair of pants.

  2. You're right. The jeans on the guy on the left has those horizontal lines that don't show up at all in the other pic.
