Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Earthlings are Coming!

Take a look at the picture below and try to guess where it was taken.

Arabia maybe? The Sahara perhaps? Could be the Gobi, right?

Nope. It was taken on Mars.

I hate to think how much money this picture cost to create, and yet I feel undeniably proud that it was taken. Not proud in a narrow patriotic sense, but proud in a transcendent way that our species is able to do this. Go team Humans!

Which brings me to a odd question. Say we were just contacted by aliens and they invited us to send a delegation to some galactic meeting. We need a flag that represents Earth (yes, even aliens are flag wavers). What should this flag look like? What symbols and images, if any, would it display?

I just hope it doesn't look anything like Zambia's flag, which is probably the strangest flag I have ever seen. In case you don't know what it looks like, here you go:


  1. I think the flag should be the image of the Hindenburg that you have on the main page of your blog. I think that is a fascinating image, especially considering most of the people on the zeppelin were able to walk away from the disaster.

  2. Also, even the title of your blog gives evidence that the Hindenburg picture should be used for the flag. 'Oh, the Humanity!' indeed...

  3. I was thinking our flag could have some stars and stripes. Maybe 50 stars and 12 or 13 stripes. Let's use red, white and blue as the colors.

  4. Seems to me, an "Earth" flag would be Blue, Brown and Green right? Maybe some whiteness thrown in there.

    I'll get to work on it.

    3min later. DONE!

  5. Love the flag, Chuck! It represents the colors most prevalent on our planet, right? I was thinking our flag might represent humanity. Maybe one person carrying a knife being shot by a guy with a gun. I think that would show our tendency to commit violence, our competitive nature, and our ingenuity all at the same time.
