Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh, the Humanity Indeed!

Check this puppy out. You think America is the bastion of liberty? Then check out the latest move by the city of Gilbert, Arizona.,2933,589385,00.html

GILBERT, Ariz. — The national Alliance Defense Fund says a town code that bars religious assemblies in private homes in the Arizona community of Gilbert is unconstitutional.
The Oasis of Truth church began meeting at Pastor Joe Sutherland's house in November and rotated homes several times a week for Bible study and fellowship.
A Gilbert code compliance officer hit the church with a violation notice after seeing a sign near a road advertising a Sunday service.
A zoning administrator told the church that Bible studies, church leadership meetings and fellowship activities are not permitted in private homes.
The Alliance Defense Fund's Doug Napier says no neighbors complained.
The Scottsdale-based group has filed an appeal with the town of Gilbert, contending its code violates the U.S. Constitution.

Now this pisses me off and I don't care what side of the politial spectrum you're on. If you're a campist, it's time rethink your strategy, if it doesn't involve opposing legislation like this. The Private Individiual Rights better come first in a country that barred the gov't from these intrusions more than a half-century ago. Haven't we seen religious discrimination at work? Does it ever work? As a good friend of mine said once, Oh, the Humanity! Yes indeed.


  1. Due to the robust response from our free press on this matter, and the fact that you did not hesitate to make you feelings clear, I think we've probably still got a pretty high reading on the freedo-meter*.

    *Not to be confused with the frito-meter**, which indicates your frito intake.

    ** High frito-meter values typically correlated with high blood pressure.

  2. and...the town began repealing it immediately, maybe two days later. It was pretty much over as soon as it began.

  3. Thanks Gabe! Interesting story. It touches on all kinds of hot topics; constitutional rights (assembly and religion), Federalism, due process and rule of law. I agree that "zoning codes" should not be used to enforce personal preferences.

  4. May I ask what robust reponse you are referring to? I doubt this was a major news event for all news sources in the US. I would be suprised if you found this event in more than three major domestic news sources. In the same vein as the extremist article, why is it that the press has felt the need to get involved? If one side feels something is important, the other side will ignore it. CNN Vs Fox 24/7. Somebody says Utopia, somebody else says Armageddon. I thought both sides were actually concerned with liberty and freedom of action. What up Jaybee?!
