Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Age and Place on the Political Spectrum

I saw a most interesting posting on one of my favorite blogs (cominganarchy.com) which I would like to share (and which they had copied from somewhere else). It graphically displays political affiliation by age. I don't really have a comment to make. It's just food for thought. The posting even offer some possible explanations for this relationship.

You can read about the (non-scientific) method they used to gather the data set in the original posting here.




  1. The top chart is to many variables for me to handle. I think though, that I can shed light on the bottom graph, at least one line of it.

    In the book, Mind Wide Open by Stephen (steven?) Johnson, he writes that the tendency to romanticize the past is a physiological trait of the pre-frontal cortex or something. As an aside, that book and The Invention of Air are both really good reads.

    It makes sense that becoming more and more socially restrictive with age would be a function of a continually progressive society. Anything new can't be as good as anything old, because we're wired to remember 'the good ol' days' being better than our current situations.

  2. This is way over-simplified, but I think it has to do with one's sense of entitlement. When we are young, our hands are out for the help of others because we can't do/afford everything ourselves. As we get older and see all that we have actually worked for, we want others to work for theirs as well.
